Elvis… Doesn’t take long to fall in love with him. Took me just 2 songs :) The first I ever heard of him was “A lil less conversation” and then “Always on my mind”…n pooof…another fan! He just never fails to amaze me…how he sang each song with such panache, his distinct smile, his curled lip, his eagle, his moves!...those were the best!! Just those 2 songs and out I was downloading whatever I could find of him on the internet… songs, videos of his live shows, interviews, Graceland and then… documentaries of his death. It’s a shame such people never live long enough. I think i just might have caught him alive if I was lucky enough…eh…asking for way too much I suppose :P

Well there’s lots I could write about Elvis…about what I feel of each of his songs…but then…that’s for me…this post was just to wish him a happy birthday, even though I’m a day late…a tribute to my memories of elvis that are all thanks to youtube and ares. Thank you very much!…thank you[:d]
u welcomes the new yr in elvis style
hoping to see more pots from u this yr
i am n a fan myself but cant hep but notice elvis as a great icon of world music today.
The King rules !!! Elvis lives on...
heyaa aliiiiiii
thanzz for droppin the comment :):)
well disectin one in fresh blood was far gross than eatin a cooked one
Yea elvis....
Not my stuff tho...altho a lil less conversation,jailhouse break rock a lot.
Thanx for addng!
Dnt listen to him. Only one song. A little less conversation.
and about ur meeting him...Haha did you know that there are legends that he is still alive.. haha ppl are just not ready to accept the kings death. It is just a wrk of overactive minds of conspiracy buffs .
But hey.whts the harm to hope ...
its time for an update !!!
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Câmera Digital, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://camera-fotografica-digital.blogspot.com. A hug.
@ thanx for the comment... m in 3rd year enginering... :).... do update... i guess jiggs has tagged u too...
@ samby
yeah..thats gonna be my very first tag!hehe...will do it tomorrow
i have lost mah typing skills ...so ali please excuse me for mah badly typed posts
i have lost mah typing skills ...so ali please excuse me for mah badly typed posts
der u go again wrting on mah favourite person in this world ...ELVIS....how much i love him ...and BTW ELVIS I LOVE U MORE DAN ALISHA>>>HAAHAHA
i love elvis too
nice blog alisaaa
hehehhehe super imposition of thy self
all hail alisaaa
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